------------- Medical Doctors Only ----------------
Ao abrigo do protocolo celebrado, o Dr. Tsuchiya, Dr. João Almeida e a Dr.ª João Cascais são Professores na Universidade de Medicina Integrativa de Meiji em Kyoto, indo uma vez por ano dar aulas.
From the March 31st till the April 1st, invited by the Meiji University the APAE was on the "23rd International Academic Exchange Lecture Meeting of Meiji University of Integrative Medicine" with the main topic "Acupuntur in Sportive Medicine", represented by Prof. Dr João Paulo Almeida giving a lecture about Nutrition, Acupuncture and Ju-Sei Theraphy in young athletes with sportive injuries; Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria João Cascais talking about Dopping and Acupuncture; and Prof. Dr. Mitsuharu Tsuchiya, lecturing about Anesthesia and Pain treatments with Acupuncture, and Acupuncture treatments for Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Erectil Disfunction, Thoracic Outlet Syndrom, Glaucoma, Cervival Hernia, Psoriasis, Palsy Paralysis, Herpes Zostec, Hemorrhoids, among others.
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