Sports Acupuncture - Since 1993 at Clinica Tsuchiya

Dr. Mitsuharu Tsuchiya

Tsuchiya Clinic Director


The APAE Medical Group has started Sports Acupuncture treatments

Dr. Mitsuharu Tsuchiya – Tsuchiya Clinic Director

Since 1993 we have been investigating, in our clinic (Clínica Tsuchiya), on the great effectiveness of Electrical Acupuncture for the recovery of competition athletes from different sports areas. Dr. Tsuchiya had and has great success in different sports injuries treatment such as groin pain, avoiding surgery with this technique, contributing to an optimal recovery and improvement of the performance of the athletes.

Dra. Maria João Cascais - Technical Director of Benfica Clinic of SLB

Dr. João Paulo P. de Almeida - Responsible for Benfica Clinic of Sport Lisboa e Benfica

Photos bellow: acupuncture treatment of acrobatic gymnastics europe champion


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